Our process is what separates us from many of the local shops.
Most of the items we get are “dirty”. This could be road dirt from wheels, mud on off-road parts, even new items can have preservatives like anti-rust on steel. All of these contaminants can ruin the finish. Proper pretreatment is vital to insure a perfect coating- both visually and performance wise. We use a number of different methods to pretreat items before coating.
degreasing and stripping
The first step is chemical degreasing/cleaning. PMSD has a few different ways to go. Usually, the part gets dipped in industrial degreaser. This will remove most grease and dirt. Then, we use extremely strong chemical stripper, this will remove any dirt, grease, paint or previous coatings.
sand blasting and steam
The next step is sand blasting. This step provides a texture for the powder to stick to. PMSD has a top-of-the-line sand blast cabinet and changes our blast media every month to make sure it doesn’t contain any contaminants that could embed into the part.best powder available
PMSD uses only the best powder on the market- Prismatic Powders. Prismatic has thousands of colors and textures to make sure you get exactly what you want. Once a color and texture has been selected, if we don’t have the color in stock, we will overnight the powder and get it done!
Only the best leaves our shop
Only after you are satisfied, we will wrap your part in protective fabric and look forward to the next time you need something coated.